
Showing posts from September, 2020

Choco blast

 Chocolate Cakes are the best - easy to bake and children just love it!!  But this time it was cookies - after endless spoilt batches - though edible ones - I managed this recipe which is kind of perfect. Kids loved it, and it was quite easy to make. So, this one has been booked for a repeat for my sons birthday, by him...😈 Talking about birthdays - it just came to my mind....what has happened to the phrase - “ 1 was taken by the pleasant surprise”. Well no one wants surprises these days. Everything is so so planned and everyone wants calculated moves.  Isn’t that boring!! Why can’t you leave the gifts as surprise - and why demand something to be given to you as per your list 😬. I mean where is the fun part, the excitement of opening a gift wrap and discovering what the other person has got for you!! Or what the other person has planned for you. Sulk!! Sulk!! My kiddos are always ready with a list of what they want for their birthdays. Whereas, I think, they get all the...

M&B Stew with Dosa

Mushroom Basil Stew with Dosa                         Now almost six months into the house arrest, we have tried all kind of cuisines at home!! Thanks to Corona, it has taught people lessons of balancing non stop kitchen work and household chores along with the job  - in short multitasking in real manner!!! 😄😆                     So, from preparing the most time consuming dishes, now we are in a fast to fix n gobble food mode 😂.  Under this category, this quick fix stew with dosa is a complete delight. Try it, if you haven’t already.  2 cups - Mushroom sliced thin  1 cup - Onion sliced thin 1 cup - Basil chopped  1 tbsp - Garlic sliced thin   1 tbsp - Green chilli sliced thin 1 tsp - Black pepper powder 1 tsp - Cayenne pepper  1 tbsp - Olive oil  2 pckts - Coconut milk  1 tsp - Salt  In a thick bottom pan, heat olive oil. Put ...

Mood Cakes

 And the rain continues.....☔                     Beautiful rains!!  Getting so many Jokes and forwards about how people here are enjoying even when lashing rains had submerged parts of Mumbai. But today it’s bright n sunny!!                      That’s the Mumbai spirit.  I have always seen “keep the spirits high” magic mantra during any crisis. I was part of the 26th July 2005 Mumbai deluge. It was heart warming to see, during the rain floods, how people came out and helped each other.                   I remember how my colleague and I were stuck up at the wee hours of morning besides the road. It was the 26th July rain's after effects. Somehow office management had arranged for a bus, to drop people off to the nearest possible locations of their houses. After spending the entire day and night (26th July) at the office, e...